

Monday, January 5, 2015

P52 Week 1 - Self Portrait

I was born with a brown smudge on my cheek that is now furrowed with
wrinkles. My eyes are brown as is my hair – now dyed. My teeth remain
steadfastly crooked despite the orthodontic attempts of my childhood dentist.

That’s surface stuff.

The social portrait goes superficially deeper. I am an emigrant, of Hungarian
stock, raised Down Under. I am twice married, once divorced, once
widowed, and am now single. I am the mother of two amazing children and
the doting grandmother of an amazing granddaughter. I am an internist
physician who, with the help of friends, has transitioned into life coaching
and spiritual direction work. I am an aspiring writer.

That’s still surface stuff.

I am an introvert and an inveterate procrastinator who nevertheless manages
to make deadlines and is nearly always exactly on time. I am a music and
nature lover and I have conversations with oceans, mountains and trees.  I
seek the sacred in all things. I yearn to commune on tropical beaches and to
find a lover who appreciates me.

Even all that is surface stuff.

Closer to my core are the struggles to find and accept love in myself and to
allow – really allow – love in from others, from the universe.

I do experience snatches of that love: in a sigh; in a meditation; in my heart
welling when my almost two year old granddaughter rests her tiny head on
my chest; when I watch my children amicably banter with each other; when
I listen to Mozart’s 21st piano concerto; when I watch a sacred sunrise. These
are the moments that I catch a glimpse of the love that infuses the sacred. In
these moments my self-portrait feels whole and complete.


  1. What a beautiful way to express the levels of your own unique self. Knowing you, Elizabeth, each layer is as beautiful and authentic as the other. Your eyes, genuine smile and soft ways tell all about you.

  2. Thank you so much for your generous comments, Holly.

  3. Layers of God's Abundance, born under an auspicious Star.
